PIDCC, Aracaju/Se, Ano XI, Volume 01 nº 02, p.001 - 011 SET/2023 A DEZ/2023 |
Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória cujo objeto de estudo foi o instituto das provas ilícitas e a teoria dos frutos da árvore envenenada. O estudo abordou a problemática da (in)admissibilidade das provas ilícitas no processo penal e quais as consequências jurídicas do uso das provas ilícitas e das derivadas das ilícitas no processo penal. Ficou demonstrado no decorrer do estudo que o princípio da legalidade é um dos pilares que sustentam o Estado de Direito. Segundo o referido princípio, as provas ilícitas não podem ser usadas em processos penais, pois violam os direitos constitucionais dos acusados. Ademais a teoria dos frutos da árvore envenenada, nosso tema de estudo, é uma das técnicas utilizadas para excluir provas obtidas de forma ilegal. Segundo essa teoria, as provas obtidas ilicitamente não são aceitas pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, pois nos termos do artigo 157, § 1º, do Código de Processo Penal, são provas inadmissíveis. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, a pesquisa adotou os estudos bibliográfico e documental (fontes secundárias) e quanto à abordagem metodológica adotamos a técnica qualitativa.
This is an exploratory research whose object of study was the institute of illicit evidence and the theory of the poisoned tree fruits. The study addressed the issue of the (in)admissibility of illicit evidence in criminal proceedings and the legal consequences of using illicit evidence and evidence derived from illicit sources in criminal proceedings. It was demonstrated during the study that the principle of legality is one of the pillars that support the Rule of Law. According to this principle, illicit evidence cannot be used in criminal proceedings as it violates the constitutional rights of the accused. Furthermore, the theory of the poisoned tree fruits, our study topic, is one of the techniques used to exclude evidence obtained illegally. According to this theory, evidence obtained unlawfully is not accepted by the Brazilian legal system, as stated in Article 157, § 1 of the Criminal This is an exploratory research whose object of study was the institute of illicit evidence and the theory of the poisoned tree fruits. The study addressed the issue of the (in)admissibility of illicit evidence in criminal proceedings and the legal consequences of using illicit evidence and evidence derived from illicit sources in criminal proceedings. It was demonstrated during the study that the principle of legality is one of the pillars that support the Rule of Law. According to this principle, illicit evidence cannot be used in criminal proceedings as it violates the constitutional rights of the accused. Furthermore, the theory of the poisoned tree fruits, our study topic, is one of the techniques used to exclude evidence obtained illegally. According to this theory, evidence obtained unlawfully is not accepted by the Brazilian legal system, as stated in Article 157, § 1 of the Criminal
Key-words: Illicit evidence. Illegitimate evidence. Poisoned tree fruits. Criminal Procedure.
Il s'agit d'une enquête exploratoire dont l'objet d'étude était l'institut des tests illicites et la théorie des fruits de l'arbre empoisonné. L'étude a abordé le problème de l'(in)admissibilité des preuves illicites dans les procédures pénales et quelles sont les conséquences juridiques de l'utilisation de preuves illicites et des preuves qui en découlent dans les procédures pénales. Il a été démontré au cours de l’étude que le principe de légalité est l’un des piliers sur lesquels repose l’État de droit. Selon ce principe, les preuves illicites ne peuvent être utilisées dans une procédure pénale, car elles violent les droits constitutionnels de l'accusé. Par ailleurs, la théorie des fruits empoisonnés, notre sujet d’étude, est l’une des techniques utilisées pour exclure les preuves obtenues illégalement. Selon cette théorie, les preuves obtenues illégalement ne sont pas acceptées par le système juridique brésilien, car, selon l'article 157, § 1 du Code de procédure pénale, elles constituent des preuves irrecevables. En ce qui concerne les procédures méthodologiques, la recherche a adopté des études bibliographiques et documentaires (sources secondaires), et en ce qui concerne l'approche méthodologique, la technique qualitative a été adoptée.
Mots-clés: Preuve illicite. Preuve illégitime. Fruit de l'Arbre Empoisonné. Procédure pénale.
Sobre o texto:
Texto inserido na PIDCC Edição nº 02/2023 (05/01/2024)
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